Tuesday, December 9, 2008

2 Months Old!

I can't believe my little baby boy is 2 months old! Time has just flown by. I took him to his two month doctor appointment today. He had to get a bunch of shots, which he didn't like. Neither did I. We both cried. Nevertheless, everything looks great. He's hitting all the developmental and growth benchmarks. Here are the growth stats:

Weight: 10.5 lbs - 21%
Length: 22.5 inches - 31%
Head: 16.1 inches - 73%

Yes, he's our little guy, but he's quickly catching up! The doctor made a comment about the size of his head, which seems to be catching up more quickly than the rest of his body. She just said, "it's large because he needs somewhere to keep all those brains!" Lets hope she's right.

And this is how he feels about shots


Lauren said...

Um... that's the cutest picture I have ever seen. Does he make that face often, or did you just get a lucky shot? He sure is a cutie. And don't worry about catching up. My 4-pounders at birth are now in the 97%ile.

Anderson's said...

He is so cute. I think I have a harder time when my kids get shots-I hate it!

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

What a darling baby!
Hey can I get you to send me your mailing address to hailey@thekandells.com