Sunday, August 16, 2009

First Trip to the Zoo

This weekend we are having unseasonably cool weather. We decided it would be the perfect weekend to take Rex to the zoo (unfortunately, most of Salt Lake also thought it would be a good day for the zoo). Rex had a good time checking out all the animals. He only knows the "baby sign" for dog, so everything was a dog. I also had such a good time, I love the zoo!

Here we are, map in hand, getting ready to see some animals

Cool looking turkey - Thanksgiving dinner, anyone?

We got really close to this guy - so cute

The tiger was originally at the other side of his cage. I didn't feel like fighting the crowd to get a look so I was standing on the other side of his cage. All the sudden he came running over to get a drink and pose perfectly for a sweet picture - just for me!


Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

What a darling little family.

Kim Edwards said...

I LOVE your tiger shots! They are always the best part of the zoo...that is if you can see them :)