Sunday, September 30, 2012

Grandpa and Grandma Visit Richmond

A few weeks ago, Bruce and Melanie, came out to visit us for a long weekend.  It was SO great to have them here.  We packed a ton of things into just a couple days.  And, as always, Rex was heartbroken to see them go.  He loves getting to spend time with B-paw and Me-maw.

 We went downtown Richmond and did a canal tour.  Fortunately, we missed the rain and it turned out to be a decent day.  We walked up to the capitol and showed them the interesting streets that downtown Richmond has to offer.

On Friday we drove up to D.C. and went to Arlington Cemetery.  Sadly, this is the only picture I have from the day as we barely got out of the car!  It was SUPER hot and by the time we had seen the cemetery and eaten lunch, it was time to get the heck outta D.C. to attempt to avoid traffic.  To no avail.

Saturday we went to Busch Gardens and went on some of our favorite roller coasters.  I don't have a single picture from this day.

Sunday was nice because we just hung around the house.  We were sitting on the porch and we decided it was a perfect chance to get a few pictures of grandpa and grandma with their favorite grandchildren.

Three generations of Garner guys

Thursday, September 20, 2012

How to Properly "Shing" Webs

Lest there be any confusion out there about how the Spiderman web "shing" goes, it looks like this:

Not like this:

Because, apparently this means 'I love you' in sign language and they are two VERY different things.  Don't make the same mistake I did.  Consider yourself educated.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Richmond Zoo

A few weeks ago I took the kids to visit our very own local Richmond Zoo.  I was told to keep expectations bridled, and so I did.  If any of you have seen the recent movie, We Bought A Zoo, it's reminiscent of that.  It's an LDS family who owns the zoo and lives on the grounds.  What started as just a few animals has grown into a pretty cool little zoo.  

The best part about this zoo is that since it is so small, you get to be really up close to the animals.  No need for binoculars here!  Just a few centimeters of glass separate my sweet little guy from 450 pounds of man-eating carnivores.

I always love the tortoises.

The best exhibit at this zoo is the giraffes.  You can feed them.  Say WHA?!  Where else in the world can you feed a giraffe?  Rex was really hesitant, but I thought it was awesome!

And what trip to the zoo would be complete without a ride on the carousel?  Good thing the zoo wasn't busy because there are only about 10 animals on this thing!

And like a champ, Evelyn spent her zoo experience in her stroller except for the minute I took her out for a photo.  She is seriously the easiest baby alive.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Rex Starts Preschool

Quite an exciting week for our family!  Rex started preschool at the Gingerbread Cottage Preschool here in Richmond.  He goes three days a week for 3 hours.  He loves it and so do I.  Here he is just before leaving for his first day.

One of my favorite things about Rex is his outgoing personality.  He is never shy and makes friends easily, which made dropping him off VERY easy.  

Since Rex is such a busy little guy, I find it almost impossible to provide him with enough to do during the day.  School is the perfect thing to help him.  I can tell this is going to be great!

And lets not forget about this little cutie...

Evelyn will be 7 months in a week - how the time flies!  She is getting some serious personality and I love who she is becoming.  She is still very easy going, but now she is MOBILE.  Yes, she can army crawl - everywhere.  Which means she's not as content to be in her car seat, exersaucer, bouncer, etc.  All she needs is a little floor space and a few toys and she's occupied for a while.  She still chooses not to sit up, she has no interest at all.  

She's also quite the picky eater.  She loves baby food veggies, but not fruits.  In fact, she is just barely starting to eat a couple fruits if they are mixed (in trace amounts) with rice cereal.  Funny girl.

This girl LOVES her big brother and her dog.  They can elicit smiles that daddy and I cannot get.  She is the ray of sunshine in our lives.  It's impossible not to love this happy little girl.