Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Mom Is Amazing

So, here goes a little tribute to my Mom's time here in Durham while Evelyn was being born.  It was pretty amazing to have her here, it would have been SO much harder without her help.  I literally called her the morning I went to the hospital to let her know I would be induced that day.  She threw some things in a suitcase and caught a flight later that afternoon.  She made it in time to stay with Rex over night so Josh could be with me at the hospital. Superwoman, I tell ya.

In addition to cooking, taking care of me, taking care of Rex, dishes, cleaning, and running errands, my mom spent a good chunk of her time working on the quilt we made for Evelyn.  It is going to be darling!  She took the last square home to embroider Evelyn's name on it and then she'll send it back to me so I can finish everything up.  Once it's finished I'll be sure to post pictures.

And of course my mom spent lots of time cuddling this sweet little chick. 

Oh Mom, I don't think you check our blog often, but in case you see this I hope you know how much we love and appreciate how you dropped everything to come help us.  Since we got the royal treatment with Rex we knew what we were in for this time and we loved every minute of it.  It was really special to have you here, we love you SO much.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Someone turned 32!

In the midst of all our craziness at the end of February, Josh had his 32nd birthday!  It was especially great this year because (being a leap year baby) he could have had a day to call his own!  Unfortunately, it was completely jam-packed with finals and studying, so we ended up celebrating on March 1st. 

Since my mom was in town, Josh and I were able to go out for dinner.  We had sushi - Josh's favorite!  Then we came home and had a little party with the family and some delicious cake.  Durham friends, if you ever get to Nantucket Grill...definitely try the chocolate strawberry shortcake.

We are so grateful for Josh and so lucky to have him in our family!  Happy birthday!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Meet Evelyn!

Since getting into photography, I've been looking forward to the time I could photograph my own newborn.  Little did I know it would prove to be WAY more stressful than photographing other people's newborns!  Luckily, I have her around to practice any time I want.  Here are some of my favorites from when she was just 7 days old.