Wednesday, November 9, 2011

And thus begins a new season of Duke basketball...

Basketball kicked off a couple weekends ago and we've already been able to go to two games.  Josh and I went alone to the first game and had a blast.  The second game was a "family game" where they reserve a section just for grad students with families.  We decided we would try to take Rex to a game and see how long he lasted.


Turns out, after waiting for 30 minutes for wristbands, then coming back to get our seats 45 minutes before the game started...he only lasted about 20 minutes into the game.  It was fun anyway and seriously...who could get mad at this little sweetheart? 

1 comment:

Haley said...

Yay for b-ball season! I love all the Duke gear you guys are sporting and Emily you look so cute! Pregnancy is treating you well. :)